This tool compares two netlists and identifies the differences between them. It was designed primarily to compare netlists in PADS formats. Other formats can be handled by previously translating to PADS. Several free tools can be found around the Internet that translate from several other formats to PADS.
This tool identifies the nets NOT by net name (which might have changed in different board revisions), but by the connectivity of the individual pins on each net, which is unique and much more useful. The only limitations of the on-line version are the netlist file sizes and the size of the output report for net cross-checking of the differences found. This limitation is to prevent clogging of the server due to the fact that the size of the cross-checking report grows as the SQUARE of the number of pins in the unmatched nets. We can run an extended features version of this tool for you in a non-networked computer, which removes pretty much all the above described limitations. If necessary for your netlists, just ask. Please email any comment or report any bugs and we will try to respond ASAP.
DISCLAIMER: ComSysDes LLC allows the use of this experimental tool but in the "AS-IS" condition and does not guarantee ANY specific result. By accessing the tool, the user accepts ALL the responsibility.

Old netlist file to Upload:
New netlist file to Upload:
First Name
Confidential information commitment:
we never, under any circumstance, will
ever sell or share this information

please be patient, the netlist
comparison may take a few minutes
Last Name
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